We are proud of our Echte Boter & Echte Cheese Spread

Really tasty!

For your level-headed cousin who spreads real butter on his bread, for your grandmother's best shortbread recipe, or for your little brother’s cheese spread sandwich. We are here for you and your best-spread slice of bread. No fuss. 

New, but familiar

Echte Cheese Spread

The Echte family is expanding: Echte Boter is joined by our Echte Cheese Spread. It has many well-known family traits, of course, but a character all of its own. Echte Cheese Spread is level-headed, no nonsense and made according to a traditional recipe for a trusted and creamy taste. Echte Cheese Spread is available in original, but also with extra character: with sambal, cumin, or herbs. Take a look at our cheese spread products now!

Something for everyone

Our Echte Boter products

Echte Boter. No fuss.
A product which is not forever changing, but is pure and true to its foundations. Butter as you know it, and as you deserve. Real and full of flavour.

What can you make with Echte Boter or Echte Cheese Spread?

See our recipes!

Curious to know what you can make with our products? We have selected a number of tasty recipes for every moment of the day, prepared, of course, with Echte Boter & Echte cheese spread. Be inspired and get cooking - by taking a look at our recipes now!

Echte Boter travels the world

Where in the world can you find us?

You can find our Echte Cheese Spread at your local Dutch supermarket. And you've probably come across Echte Boter with 'your broodje kroket' at your favourite café, on the plane or at the breakfast buffet during your hotel stay. Our Echte Boter can be found all over the world and we are proud of that!

The one and only answer!

Do you want to know more?

Do you have a question about our Echte Boter or Echte Cheese Spread? Please check our frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed, or you have a comment or suggestion, or if you would like to work together, then please contact us!

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